Having Doubts? Ask KidsBuddy teachers!

KidsBuddy is a mobile application platform designed for children in KG1 to Grade 7. KidsBuddy places a strong emphasis
on student skill development, which will support the child’s academic and cognitive growth.

Ask your teacher.

Now ask your diubts to your KidsBuddy teacher,schedule classes with your teacher and get your answers.

How it works.

Fill the form with all mandatory fields

  • Select your subject and type your question in corresponding fields
  • Seletct a date and schedule time as your preference
  • Meet your KidsBuddy teacher on the scheduled date and time.

Frequently asked questions

Q- Can you explain the laws of motion in a different way? I'm having trouble understanding it.

The laws of motion are a set of three scientific laws that describe the relationship between a body and the forces acting on ……

Q-Can you give an example of how this law of inertia is used in real life?

It states that an object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will continue to move with……

Q-Can you show me how to solve this problem step by step? I'm not sure where to start.

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